About Us

Full Family Farms is an 88 acre farm that raises a variety of crops and animals. We host a low ropes and on ground group challenge course and provide spiritual and team building retreats. We are a foster and adoptive family that provides a home and a family for children and birth parents in need of love, care and support.

The word FAMILY has a profound meaning here on our farm. We have come to learn family doesn’t mean you have to share genetics, last names or even the same roof. Family, is who you choose to love.

Dan has been farming since he was potty trained, so the story goes. He has a deep love for this hard work and a good dark beer at the end of the day. He loves tinkering on tractors, good food, four-wheeler rides, fishing, and most of all his family. He is an agronomist and ag equipment salesman and enjoys sharing the science of farming.

Ann loves Dan and the kids most, and takes her breaks from them by digging in the dirt, working with God to make the world a little more beautiful, writing, reading, singing and loves meeting people and talking about how great our God is. Her background in camping, youth ministry, and human resources have taught her the great importance of each members contribution to a team, and how to help teams function better.

Our story from our youth, dating/marriage experience to losing children/infertility, and work in foster care/adoption is a really beautiful story of what God can do when we trust Him. We’d love to share it with you sometime in person, or read more on our blog.

Most importantly you should know, we aren’t perfect. Putting ourselves online can feel like we’re trying to portray the picture of a perfect family, and while there’s a lot of beauty and good about our family, there is plenty of sin too. There are plenty of ways we fall short and we’ll probably share some of them with you. So don’t be too disappointed, when we don’t measure up to the perfect family you might make us out to be from our photos. Or help us out, and don’t put that expectation on us from the start. We’re all a work in progress after all and if we wait until we’re finished, well, we’ll be dead.